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An up-and-coming artist struggles to navigate her relationship with a down-on-his-luck writer. With her art beginning to see more success, it is overshadowed by the growing rift between her and her boyfriend, which threatens to take centre stage.

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Poster by Zoe Littlewood




Andi, an anxious painter, has begun to see newfound success with her art, even securing an exciting exhibition. However, she finds herself increasingly unable to get through to her boyfriend Percy, a writer who is struggling with both the sluggish trajectory of his own career (compared to Andi’s), and the mental health issues brought on by the loss of his brother. As his obsession with finishing his musical grows, he begins to neglect their relationship more. With the divide between them growing, and Andi coming no closer to repairing it, they are inevitably beyond saving; Percy finishes the musical but misses Andi’s exhibition in the process. Their relationship in tatters, we culminate in a bombastic dance number that chronicles the frustrations of Percy’s absence in the relationship, and how Andi has now decided to move on for good.




Andi – a 25-year-old painter whose career is finally taking off. She is often chaotic and spontaneous, something Percy admired in the beginning of their relationship but struggles with now. Her aloofness juxtaposes the quiet, sadness of Percy. Percy’s actions make Andi doubt their relationship as he can’t even say he is proud of her for all that she has achieved regarding her art. As the narrative progresses, Andi begins to step away from the relationship knowing she deserves more.

Percy – a 26-year-old mostly unsuccessful writer. He is dealing with the loss of his little brother and is pouring himself into writing a musical. We repeatedly see him struggle to get started in the first act but as his relationship begins to crumble and Andi starts taking steps back, he begins to flourish. Despite his actions, he does truly love Andi, but the depression and anxiety he has spiralled into due to grief is making him numb to practically everything around him. Andi’s success plays on his mind, and he feels jealous of his partner, wishing he had some of her luck.



Jo- is in their mid-twenties and a fairly successful gig photographer.  They are protective over Andi and want nothing but the best for her, even if that means leaving her longtime boyfriend Percy. Jo is always able to coax Andi out of her shell when she is feeling down.  They are rarely seen without rolling a cigarette or talking about music.

Rory- is in his mid-twenties and plays in a band. He is charming and boyish and represents what life could be like for Andi – which is fun and different. He toes the line of being too flirtatious, but evidently is interested in Andi.

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Orla- is in her mid-twenties and is one of Jo’s friends and a fellow photographer. She is outgoing and cheerful, and brings Rory and Andi together, although accidentally and seemingly unknowing.

Core Crew

With a background in cinematography, Hervey is making his directorial debut with Nova 1885, taking inspiration from films such as La La Land and Aftersun to translate the screenplay visually. 

Murran is a writer who takes pride and care in her work. Her realistic dialogue grounds her characters, whilst being able to world build, which works especially well for Nova 1885


Tiegan is well known as a filmmaker in Liverpool with films such as Gum and Gloomy Sunday's. Therefore, their knowledge in directing, producing and most importantly here, editing, will elevate Nova 1885

Josh is a producer who continues to never let difficult barriers dampen his efforts in creating and ambitious and large project which helped Nova 1885 run as smoothly as possible.

With extensive knowledge in cinematography and equipment, Beau is able to achieve shots that would be difficult without it. With inspirations like Normal People and Back on 74', he is able to make a combination that benefits Nova 1885 greatly. 

Oscar has a background in editing which benefits the tasks of dealing with sound off set helpful, as well as booming on set. This with his endless knowledge of film, constantly helps Nova 1885 stay focused. 

Sourced Crew

With a background in stage management, theatre tech and producing, Elle is on hand to help facilitate and bring the Nova 1885 world alive.

Mohan’s a multidisciplinary artist with main practices in contemporary dance and film. He’s excited to explore, create and bring movement into the world of Nova 1885.

The band are often seen playing in your favourite jazz venues such as The Grapes and Frederick’s, but luckily they will now play in our own jazz bar within Nova 1885, as well as playing in our soundtrack for the film.

Behind the Scenes Gallery

Keshi’s broad background in production design within theatre and performance, film and photoshoots, will help portray the mood of Nova 1885 vividly.


Skye is already well known in the Liverpool music scene, playing in bands such as Sonda and Ambro Collective. Alongside the latter, he will be able to spark our score and vision of dance to new levels.

Additional Crew


Set Builder: Ian Butler


Painter: Oscar Laverack


Dancers: Katharine Ward and Mohan Welstand - Keryk


Transport: Paul Owens

Thank you to our contributors: 


  • Karen Bracken​

  • Alan Boyce​

  • Chris Owens​

  • John Owens​

  • Dorothy Wilson​

  • Elaine Penswick​

  • Amie Butler​

  • Charlotte Nolan​

  • Catherine Butler​

  • Linda Owens​

  • Robyn Butler​

  • Paul Owens​

  • Emily Carroll​

  • Raechel Butler​

  • Jenna Owen​

  • Mlise Kershaw​

  • Thomas Donnan​

  • Jack Ward


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